Every Minnesotan deserves a home. Minnesota needs more homes of all types in every corner of our state. It’s time for state leaders to take bold action to address Minnesota’s housing shortage by legalizing more housing options.
It’s time to say Yes To Home!
We all need a roof over our heads, but whether we own or rent, finding a safe, stable home in Minnesota has never been more challenging. Bold action is needed so that we all have access to a home we can afford. By saying Yes to Home, you can help transform how homes are built, building a stronger future for our great state.
“Yes To Home” Means…
…Building More Homes Where They Are Needed Most
Building more homes, of all sizes and prices, so buying and renting are more accessible and affordable.
… Removing Barriers To Building Needed Homes
Streamline housing approvals and legalize new starter homes, townhomes, and apartments to help our communities quickly close this housing shortage.
… Closing The Homeownership Gap
Reverse the effects of racial and socio-economic exclusionary zoning by ending policies that exclude and limit the choices or buyers and renters.
… Housing Policies That Work For All Minnesotans
Support policies that allow more homes to reduce housing costs, increase housing access.
About Yes To Home
Yes To Home is an effort to address Minnesota’s housing shortage, affordability, and equity challenges.